Welcome to the Official Deluxe Professional Guide to Staring at the Sun!

Our mission is to help you achieve eternal spiritual, mental and physical enlightenment by pushing the boundaries of alternative thinking. You know, if you’re into that kind of thing.

We publish a sun-staring guide once a month in the form of electronic mail. In this guide you will find musings on the meaning of life, reports from spelunking missions into the caverns of the internet, and maybe even some freebies.

Join us by entering your email address below. It will all make sense soon.


Don’t worry, we’ve got proof of the astral projecting pudding. Check out some of our greatest hits…


Volume 34: SLEEPY TIME


BREAKING NEWS: Staring at the sun is good for your psyche

BREAKING NEWS: Astral projection scientifically proven to be not that hard after all

BREAKING NEWS: Light and dark have become one

BREAKING NEWS: Ghosts just want to hang out

BREAKING NEWS: Scully and Mulder spotted eating tacos in Reynoldstown

BREAKING NEWS: Trampolines declared Universe's Greatest Invention by alien council

BREAKING NEWS: Staring at the sun is good for your psyche BREAKING NEWS: Astral projection scientifically proven to be not that hard after all BREAKING NEWS: Light and dark have become one BREAKING NEWS: Ghosts just want to hang out BREAKING NEWS: Scully and Mulder spotted eating tacos in Reynoldstown BREAKING NEWS: Trampolines declared Universe's Greatest Invention by alien council